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What is neuromeditation?

NeuroMeditation is the application of brain-based principles to meditation practices. It is based on the understanding that all meditations are not the same. Based on dozens of brain imaging studies, we can categorize meditations based on the way attention is directed, our intention during the practice, and the way it impacts the brain. In general, […]

Written by Editor
December 16th, 2019
NeuroMeditation is the application of brain-based principles to meditation practices. It is based on the understanding that all meditations are not the same. Based on dozens of brain imaging studies, we can categorize meditations based on the way attention is directed, our intention during the practice, and the way it impacts the brain. In general, meditation styles fall into one (or more) of 5 categories: Focus, Mindfulness, Quiet Mind, Open Heart, and Deep States. By understanding each of these styles, you can choose one to match your goals and needs. In addition to the science behind meditation, the NeuroMeditation system also teaches a variety of tools, techniques, and strategies to help you enter these specific meditative states. EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) is one of the tools used in this process.
Written by Editor
December 16th, 2019
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